Is Wire Fraud a Felony?

Federal wire fraud is a serious crime for businesses, government contractors and individuals that fall under white-collar offenses. This crime involved the use of electronic communications such as faxes, phone calls or emails, to defraud the government out of money (government contracts) or something of value. The penalties for federal… Read more »

Government Contractors :: Understanding Conspiracy Charges

A conspiracy charge in a government contract fraud case is a complex and often misunderstood aspect of the legal system. When someone is accused of being involved in a conspiracy under federal law, it can have serious consequences. The term ‘conspiracy’ often conjures images of shadowy figures plotting secretly, but… Read more »

What is Wire Fraud?

Wire fraud is a crime that involves the use of electronic communications, such as email or text messages, fax machines and telephone line to commit illicit acts such as payment of government contract invoices, federal contract awards, or traditional crimes such as identity theft or money laundering. Avoiding charges of… Read more »

What Happens After a Grand Jury Indictment?

For Government Contractors: Navigating Procurement Fraud Grand Jury Indictments Does Indictment Always Mean Jail Time? No, It Does Not The term “indictment” by a grand jury for a federal government contractor often brings about images of handcuffs, courtrooms, and jail cells. It’s a word that carries a heavy weight and… Read more »

What is the DOJ Investigation Process for Government Contractors

The Department of Justice (DOJ) conducts investigations into potential wrongdoing by government contractors. The DOJ investigation process can vary depending on the nature and complexity of the alleged misconduct. What Does the DOJ Investigate? The Department of Justice (DOJ) plays a crucial role in investigating and prosecuting government contract cases… Read more »

What is the Average Fraud Sentence for White Collar Crime Punishment?

Understand Your Exposure and Criminal Liability – Once This Happens, Only Then Can Government Contractors and HealthCare Defendants Hire the Right Defense Attorneys. White collar crimes are non-violent offenses typically committed by individuals in positions of power or influence within the corporate or financial sector. These crimes often involve deceit,… Read more »