Federal Indictments for Government Contractor Fraud

What is a Federal Indictment?  Can a Defendant in a Government Contractor Fraud Case Get an Indictment Overturned? Theodore P. Watson. Federal indictments from a grand jury in a federal criminal case involving federal government contractors and defendants in those cases is the formal process where federal law enforcement like… Read more »

Grand Jury Indictments for Federal Contractors

Government contractors facing federal investigations from the Office of Inspector General (OIG), DOJ or some other law enforcement agency should understand the basics of grand jury indictments and how the criminal process can impact the company. When the federal prosecutors finish their investigation, they can bring further charges by moving… Read more »

How to Defend a Qui Tam Lawsuit Involving Government Contracts?

By Theodore P. Watson, Esq Federal Contract Qui Tam Defense Lawyers. A Qui Tam lawsuit involving United States government contracts can be a traumatic experience. There are many targeted individuals and contractors who end up with guilty verdicts in criminal cases or paying thousands or millions in civil fines without even… Read more »

Avoid Buy American Act Fraud

Theodore P Watson, Esq. A federal contractor under investigation or indictment can be charged with defrauding the Government by knowingly providing goods that were procured in violation of the Buy American Act (BAA) and the U.S. Trade Agreements Act. BAA compliance laws are in place to protect jobs in the… Read more »

Buy American Act BAA Compliance Lawyers :: FAQs

Act quickly if you are under investigation or worried about violating Buy American Act compliance requirements. Theodore P Watson, Esq – Practice Leader This section is only written to provide information to small businesses and larger federal government contractors regarding common issues and questions raised about the Buy American Act and… Read more »