Government Contractor Defense Lawyers

Theodore P. Watson, Esq.Watson & Associates, LLC professionals often serve as government contractor defense attorneys. when the Department of Justice (DOJ) or the Office of Inspector General ( OIG) comes knocking on your door. The importance of having a strong legal defense early in the investigation stage means having legal… Read more »

Breach of Contract Remedies

 Importance of Breach of Contract Remedies in a Lawsuit As a party to a contracts lawsuit, you can seek several remedies for breach of contract and damages. Sometimes the decision to file a case, or not, could depend on potentially available solutions. Also, when filing a lawsuit your complaint has… Read more »

What is Commercial Law?

Commercial litigation law entails the various aspects of business law that deals with the relationships between corporations, merchants and manufacturers, interstate trade and so on. What is Commercial Law? By definition commercial law includes carriage by land and sea; merchant shipping; guarantee; marine, fire, life, and accident insurance; bills of… Read more »

Breach of Contract Damages in Government Claims

If you are a government contractor, learning how to assess breach of contract damages in government claims is critical to recovering all damages that your company deserves. For example, you can bring suit for breach of contract under the Contract Disputes Act in the Court of Federal Claims (COFC.) You… Read more »