Tips for Challenging Contractor Responsibility Determination FAR 9.104-1

Recently, many federal government contract bidders have experienced an adverse contractor responsibility determination trend when the agency evaluates their proposal.  There are specific actions that the contracting officer must follow. Without a clear understanding of the regulations, you could miss out on a lucrative contract award. Challenging the agency’s nonresponsibility… Read more »

How To Avoid Common COFC and GAO Bid Protest Intervenor Mistakes

Becoming a bid protest intervenor is usually pretty simple. However, there are many cases where government contractors believed that the would become a bid protest intervenor but quickly found out that they were really not an interested party with legal standing to intervene in the protest. Many contractors attempt to… Read more »

FAR 15.306 Misleading or Meaningful Discussions

One reason why bid protests are successful is when the contractor shows that the failure to conduct lawful discussions  under FAR 15.306 GAO looks at these issues very carefully.  The underlying principle of having meaningful discussions is the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA).  Each bidder is entitled to its proposal being… Read more »

Mistakes Made in GAO Protest For Corrective Action

Often, government contracting agencies take corrective action when contractors file a GAO protest. Taking corrective action mainly takes away jurisdiction from the court to hear the case. A recent GAO protest case illustrates mistakes made in a GAO protest for corrective action. In that bid protest, the protestor argued that after… Read more »