FAR Termination for Convenience Clause – How Does it Work?

Many government contractors struggle to understand their rights when the agency imposes a notice of termination for convenience or FAR termination for default clause. There are a myriad of situations that could amplify a contractor’s rights or, conversely, minimize them.  Introduction The FAR termination for convenience clause is a crucial… Read more »

Termination for Convenience Settlement Costs

When it comes to terminations for convenience in federal government contracting, the staggering statistics of cases filed at the Court of Federal Claims (COFC) should make contractors aware that the government does in fact deny claims in your final settlement proposal.   Termination for convenience settlement costs become huge disputes primarily… Read more »

How to Assess Termination for Convenience Costs Recoverable

Before you submit your termination for convenience settlement proposal to the federal government, make sure you understand the regulatory allowances for costs recoverable. Given the push from the administration, government contracting agencies are instituting termination for convenience actions to do away with unwanted contracts. Although there are statutory damages and… Read more »

Termination for Convenience of the Government

As a general rule, the contracting officer can terminate a federal contract for convenience of the government.  Termination for convenience  of the government usually occurs when mission requirements change, lack of funding as other ‘legitimate’ reasons. Contractors usually are entitled to some form of statutory damages. However, there are situations when terminating the contract can be… Read more »