Avoiding Civil Investigative Demand False Claims Act Mistakes

You’ve Been Served With a Civil Investigative Demand False Claims Act (CID) from the OIG or DOJ. What Do You Do Next? How Do You Respond? What Are Any Penalties For Mistakes. Federal Lawyer: Theodore P. Watson, Esq. Why Are You Under Investigation? These are all valid Questions. Each government… Read more »

Tips From HUBZone Fraud & False Claims Act Whistleblower Attorneys

Without Attorneys WIth Actual HUBZone and Government Contracts Experience, Your Chances of Being Indicted or Ultimately Convicted Skyrockets. Avoid Criminal and Civil Liability for HUBZone Fraud and False Claims Act Violations. Criminal charges for HUBZone Procurement Program fraud are on the rise. OIG and DOJ seem to have increased their… Read more »

Define Qui Tam :: What is a Qui Tam Relator?

If you are planning on filing a Qui Tam lawsuit, the following information may help you to better understand the basics and ground rules.  Understanding what is a Qui Tam Relator is critical before hiring an attorney. As a government contractor, having the expertise on your team to defend against… Read more »

Buy American Act BAA Certification Compliance Requirements Lawyers :: FAQs

Act quickly if you are under investigation or worried about violating Buy American Act BAA certification compliance requirements. Theodore P Watson, Esq – Practice Leader This section is only written to provide information to small businesses and larger federal government contractors regarding common issues and questions raised about the Buy American… Read more »