Claims Against the Federal Government – Understanding the Basics

Contractors that are a party to federal and DOD contracts can assert claims against the federal government. However, there are certain legal requirements to keep the claim intact. Defects in your claims submission can delay or sometimes even completely void the claim. Also, improperly submitted claims can prevent an appellate… Read more »

Construction Contract Claims Against the Federal Government

When submitting construction contract claims against the Federal Government, or any service contract disputes, there are unique and dangerous rules and regulations that unaware companies. There is a common legal practice that many construction companies should be aware of.   It is called preserving your right for a potential appeal…. Read more »

Quantum Meruit Claims and Damages in Federal Government Contracts

When Do You Qualify for Quantum Meruit Claim Recovery in Federal Government Contract Claims Against the Federal Government? If you have a written contract, this can be a tricky undertaking. Filing quantum meruit claims against the federal government can be confusing to businesses and individuals. Understanding what quantum meruit damages… Read more »

Difference Between a Government Bid Protest and a Contract Dispute

For government contractors, there are two primary mechanisms to address disputes related to federal government contracts: filing a government protest and filing a Contract Disputes Act (CDA) claim. While both processes aim to resolve disputes related to government contracts, they are distinct and differ in their procedures and outcomes. When… Read more »

Construction Claims Appeal for Government Contracts

Oftentimes, a  government contracts construction claims appeal is dismissed on appeal for lack of jurisdiction by the court. This can cost you a substantial amount of litigation fees only to find out that your case is dismissed on a technicality. To avoid such a peril, your must understand the basics when it… Read more »