Steps to Take After a Healthcare Fraud Indictment

Being indicted for healthcare fraud is a stressful and overwhelming experience. Whether you’re a medical provider, healthcare business owner, or administrator, facing criminal charges can jeopardize your career, finances, and personal freedom. Knowing the right steps to take after a healthcare fraud indictment is critical to protecting your rights and… Read more »

Facing Healthcare Fraud Allegations? Protect Your Career, Reputation, and Freedom

Healthcare providers dedicate their careers to helping others, yet those same providers can find themselves targeted in aggressive federal investigations for healthcare fraud. Whether you’re facing allegations of Medicare fraud, Medicaid fraud, or other forms of billing misconduct, the consequences can be severe — impacting your professional license, financial stability,… Read more »

Avoid Costly Mistakes With Federal False Claims Act Penalties

Understanding how much the federal government can go after you for in False Claims Act penalties is essential when deciding your next steps in a civil or criminal case. The more you understand criminal penalties and civil FCA fines, the better you can work with your False Claims Act attorney… Read more »

Overbilling in Healthcare Fraud: Defending Against Federal Charges

Overbilling in Healthcare Fraud Criminal Cases: What You Need to Know Overbilling in healthcare is a critical issue that has landed countless providers, administrators, and healthcare professionals across the United States in legal trouble. In many cases, an administrative error can also result in allegations of criminal fraud. Federal agencies… Read more »

Will the DOJ Clobber Your Company Next with $1.75 Million for Falsely Certifying Your Small Business Status After a Merger or Acquisition of a Government Contracting Business?

Avoid This Costly Mistake and Get Government Contracting Lawyers to Help Avoid this $1.75Million Error. Theodore P. Watson, Esq. The United States Government Handed Down a Hefty $1.75 million to settle civil fraud allegations that it and its subsidiaries improperly obtained government contracts that were set-aside for small businesses. The… Read more »

Does Indictment Mean Jail Time for Government Contractors?

 Many government contractors ask the question, does indictment mean jail time. The answer is No, a federal indictment by a grand jury only starts the official process of determining whether you are guilty. A defendant may also resolve a case by pleading guilty and admitting to their crimes. But defendants… Read more »

Is Wire Fraud a Felony?

Federal wire fraud is a serious crime for businesses, government contractors and individuals that fall under white-collar offenses. This crime involved the use of electronic communications such as faxes, phone calls or emails, to defraud the government out of money (government contracts) or something of value. The penalties for federal… Read more »

Government Contractors :: Understanding Conspiracy Charges

A conspiracy charge in a government contract fraud case is a complex and often misunderstood aspect of the legal system. When someone is accused of being involved in a conspiracy under federal law, it can have serious consequences. The term ‘conspiracy’ often conjures images of shadowy figures plotting secretly, but… Read more »