Avoiding Civil Investigative Demand False Claims Act Mistakes
You’ve Been Served With a Civil Investigative Demand False Claims Act (CID) from the OIG or DOJ. What Do You Do Next? How Do You Respond? What Are Any Penalties For Mistakes.
Federal Lawyer: Theodore P. Watson, Esq. Why Are You Under Investigation? These are all valid Questions. Each government contractor, healthcare client, or individual has specific facts unique to their case. One thing is for sure. You must diligently respond to CIDs and Subpoenas. You cannot afford to brush things off or handpick what information you want to turn over.
How you respond to your CID can seriously impact the outcome. At Watson & Associates, LLC, we help you from the beginning of federal investigations all the way through trial, if we have to.
The False Claims Act (FCA) grants the Department of Justice (DOJ) and other federal law enforcement agencies significant power to demand testimony and produce documents from you without federal district court intervention.
One example is the introduction of the Civil Investigative Demand False Claims Act request. (CID).
The federal government’s civil investigative demand DOJ authority stems from 31 USC 3733. Under this statute, federal prosecutors such as the Department of Justice (DOJ) issue civil investigative demands “[w]henever” it “has reason to believe that any person may be in possession, custody, or control of any documentary material or information relevant to False Claims Act investigations.
What is a Civil Investigation Demand?
What is a CID?: The Civil Investigation Demand is a powerful tool used by federal government agencies to retrieve information during its civil investigations. CIDs typically seek specific documents, your testimony, or other forms of legal evidence to aid in determining if there has been any violation of regulations or laws. Often issued by agencies like the Department of Justice or the Federal Trade Commission, CIDs can be an unwanted and intimidating intrusion into your business affairs. CID government investigation needs aggressive but strategic planning for the end result.
What is a CID Hold?
CID legal hold meaning: Individuals or companies receiving a civil investigative demand should immediately implement a CID legal hold. This means issuing instructions avoid all destruction or emails, documents or any other type of evidence that could be responsive to the CID. After consulting with your civil investigative demand attorney, you should immediately. establish a CID hold within the company.
As a target of an investigation, you want to prevent everyone from destroying or altering records or evidence. A hold for CID should be implemented in conjunction with a CID or subpoena. There can be severe penalties for not responding to the CID or if the government believes that you are destroying or somehow withholding information.
Tip: If you are charged with tampering with the investigation, you may want to keep copies of company emails or memos.
OIG and DOJ CID Process and Procedure
Once government agencies issue OIG or DOJ Civil Investigative Demand False Claims Act CID requiring documents or testimony under 31 USC 3733, the recipient must comply with its terms and provide the requested information within the specified timeframe. Usually, when the OIG or DOJ issues a CID, the document spells out what the agency needs, the documents needed, and the deadline to meet. Failure to comply can result in severe consequences, including fines, penalties, and potential criminal charges. Having government contracting attorneys and or OIG subpoena response lawyer on your team is critical.
It is crucial to understand that CIDS is not an accusation of wrongdoing but rather an investigative tool used to gather evidence. However, it is essential to approach the OIG or DOJ CID process with caution and seek experienced legal defense counsel to ensure compliance while protecting your rights and interests. It is essential to realize that contractors who do not comply with these administrative results face serious consequences.
See information about subpoena duces tecum.
DOJ False Claims Act Civil Investigative Demand Authority 31 USC 3733
The Department of Justice has the authority to issue CIDs under 28 U.S.C. 1782 and other applicable statutes, such as the False Claims Act or Anti-Kickback Statute. This statute allows the DOJ federal lawyers to request “any documents, papers, books, accounts, letters, photographs, objects and tangible things,” as well as other tangible or intangible information from an individual or entity.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has the authority to issue a CID False Claims Act Civil Investigative Demand (CIDs) under 31 USC 3733. DOJ civil investigative demand False Claims Act CIDs are utilized in investigations associated with False Claims Act cases. CIDs allow DOJ attorneys and federal investigators to gather information that is pertinent to a government contract fraud investigation, such as documents, emails, testimony and other records. In many cases, a CID can be used to extract evidence from individuals or entities who may be involved in False Claims Act violations.
However, recipients of CIDs must comply with the demands within a certain timeframe; failure to do so can result in fines or even criminal charges. Furthermore, it’s highly recommended that any individual or entity with a CID seek out experienced False Claims Act CID lawyers to respond appropriately. Our civil investigation demand false claims act attorneys and FCA civil investigative demand lawyers can ensure that you are complying with the CID accurately and timely while also protecting your rights. Contractors who ignore these administrative results face harsh consequences.
A Civil Investigative Demand DOJ OR OIG request can be a powerful tool for federal investigators to uncover evidence during False Claims Act cases. It’s important for individuals or entities served with a CID to understand their legal obligations and take appropriate action with the help of experienced FCA civil investigative demand lawyers.
Avoiding Costly Mistakes when Responding to a Civil Investigative Demand False Claims Act Allegations in OIG or DOJ CID Investigations
When responding to an OIG or DOJ CID investigation, it is important to be careful and accurate. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when responding to a CID:
1) Not Providing Sufficient Information: When responding to a CID, you should provide as much detail as possible about the incident in question. This includes answering all questions posed by the requesting party and providing any additional details that could assist with their investigation. Failure to do this may lead to delays or even denial of your response.
2) Omitting Important Details: Make sure that all relevant details are included in your response. Failing to include important information or including inaccurate information can significantly delay the process and reduce the effectiveness of the investigation.
3) Failing to Initiate a CID Hold: It is almost always advisable to initiate a CID hold when you receive a False Claims Act civil investigative demand. This is one of the most common mistakes made.
4) Stalling or Trying to Delay the CID Response Process: Another common mistake is thinking that you can somehow delay the OIG or DOJ investigation team. The government does work with DOJ CID lawyers when there are reasonable delays. However, the Government does have leverage to force the investigation.
5) Discussing the CID and the Case With the Government Without Legal Counsel: Many targets to a False Claims Act case discuss the case and answer OIG or DOJ questions without having their defense lawyer present.
Whistleblower False Claims Act Civil Investigative demands put government contractors in a tough position. After receiving a CID, they have to figure out what documents to send, whether there are any protected documents, and how to protect the right now to disclose. This is where having government contracting fraud or Civil Investigative Demand False Claims Act lawyers on board can help.
Serving Civil Investigative demands often exposes federal contractors to costly litigation and substantial public scrutiny. The commencement of the CID demand usually comes when there is a government investigation for procurement fraud stemming from Buy American Act (BAA) compliance laws, alleged violations of federal procurement regulations, and or SBA small business laws.
Tips for Responding to a CID False Claims Act Demands 31 USC 3733
(1) demand anything that would be protected from disclosure under “the standards applicable to subpoenas . . . to aid in a grand jury investigation” or
(2) “the standards applicable to discovery requests under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, to the extent that the application of such standards to any such demand is appropriate and consistent with the provisions and purposes of this section.”
Government contractors and individuals who receive CID False Claims Act / Civil Investigative Demands have some ability to limit their stress and burden when responding to a CID. The government is not entitled to attorney-client information when serving a CID. The federal government cannot obtain access to information protected by the attorney-client privilege or other privileges. Constitutional protections such as the right not to self-incriminate are especially important. Having government procurement fraud lawyers who can interact with the DOJ, SBA OID, VA OIG, CCID or other federal agencies can prove very important.
CID Investigation Timeline – How long does a CID False Claims Act investigation take?
Can Government Contractors Refuse to Cooperate After Receiving Civil Investigative Demand False Claims Act Requests? Companies need to respond quickly and accurately if they receive a Civil Investigative Demand. Refusing or failing to cooperate after receiving a CID could lead to penalties such as fines, disqualification from future contracts, revocation of existing licenses, suspension or debarment, or even criminal charges. Therefore, it is important for companies to consult with experienced False Claims Act DOJ CID lawyers familiar with the DOJ’s authority to issue CIDs and the risks of failing to cooperate. A knowledgeable federal lawyer can help a company understand its obligations under the CID and prepare a proper response.
Timeline for Responding to a CID
CID investigation timeline: Once you receive the CID, you must respond within the time frame defined in the CID or as requested by the investigative agency issuing it. Generally, government contractors need to comply with a CID within 30 days of receipt. Depending on the complexity and scope of the request, your organization may be allowed additional time to provide a complete response. Additionally, any requests for extensions should be made in writing, and reasons for needing more time should be included. Organizations should also keep records of all communication regarding the CID and its execution.
What is a Civil Demand Target Letter? demand target. letter is supplied. by the DOJ to a witness scheduled to appear before the federal Grand Jury in order to provide helpful background information about the Grand Jury. If you received a civil demand target letter, it means that there is no question as to whether the government is coming after you.
Government contractors and small businesses should take CID False Claims Act civil investigative demands DOJ requests very seriously. When the justice department issues a CID, it openly communicates to you that it believes that you have committed False Claims Act violations. Note, that the False Claims allegations set up the case for criminal and civil liability.
Failure to respond to a CID request can allow more criminal charges to be brought against you. The power of the DOJ and OIG offices is undeniable. However, government contractors and individuals have options. By learning about the limits of the federal government, you can avoid common mistakes and exposure to criminal penalties.
See What Happens After Government Contractors Receive a Grand Jury Indictment.
Call Our Civil Investigative Demand Attorneys
Now that you have a small glimpse into the world of civil investigative demands under 31 USC 3733 and how Watson & Associates LLC’s CID lawyers can help, don’t wait until it’s too late. Call our Government contract fraud defense attorneys today for a free initial consultation. Our dedicated professionals are here to provide the guidance and expertise you need to confidently tackle CIDs. Call Toll-Free at 1.866.601.5518 for a Free Initial Consultation.