Contract Disputes Act of 1978 and Claims Against the Government

Contractors often face harsh consequences when filing federal government Contract Disputes Act (CDA) claims against the government. Despite getting the benefit of your work, the contracting officer (CO) will often deny your claim just because the claim itself did not meet the CDA requirements or you did not provide the… Read more »

Breach of Contract Damages in Government Claims

If you are a government contractor, learning how to assess breach of contract damages in government claims is critical to recovering all damages that your company deserves. For example, you can bring suit for breach of contract under the Contract Disputes Act in the Court of Federal Claims (COFC.) You… Read more »

US Court of Federal Claims Protest vs GAO

The US Court of Federal Claims (COFC) has jurisdiction to hear a government contract bid protest due to the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1966 (ADRA). As a matter of practice, the COFC does not lose its jurisdiction to hear your protest simply because another bidder files a separate protest… Read more »

Filing Government Contract Claims and Disputes

Companies file government contract claims and disputes when there is a disagreement about additional work performed and where the contractor has not been paid. Such disputes arise during a request for equitable adjustment, scope changes, delays and other unexpected situations. As a government contractor, filing claims against the federal government… Read more »

Appealing Government Contract Claims

 Appealing government contract claims is commonplace when you have performed work and for some reason the contracting officer denies your claim for payment. A substantial amount of claims and disputes arise because of technical problems at the preparation and submission stage. Even though there is no question that you performed the… Read more »