CPAR Ratings & Past Performance of Contract Report

Avoid Costly and Painful Mistakes that Other Government Contractors Make With Performance of Contract Ratings. As a federal government contractor, your contractor past performance evaluation is recorded by having CPAR ratings under FAR Part 42. The Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) might allow for valid reasons why the agency may have given… Read more »

Understanding Federal Cost Reimbursement Contract Types

Federal government contract types come in various forms. One of the most complex types is the cost-reimbursement contract. Federal courts have imposed False Claims Act liability for underbidding in cost-reimbursable contracts. United States ex rel. Loughren v. Unum Group, 613 F.3d 300, 310 (1st Cir. 2010). This kind of arrangement is somewhat… Read more »

FAR Flowdown Clauses Provsions in Federal Government Contracts

Are you a large business or small business government contractor struggling to navigate the complexities of FAR. flow down clauses in Federal Government contract. Are you worried about legal trouble, including criminal charges, if you don’t understand how Christian Doctrine contracting applies? Our legal services are here to assist you… Read more »

Go Green Products and Federal Government Contract Purchasing

Green procurement policy is a government contracting initiative that goes undetected by many small businesses and large contractors. There are several federal “green procurement” programs that encourage green purchasing. There are several federal “go green procurement” programs that encourage green purchasing. They include: the Green Procurement Program (GPP)Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP),… Read more »

Federal Surety Bond Tips for Government Construction Contracts

Varying Surety Bond Requirements Take Different Legal Paths to Resolve Avoid Costly Legal Mistakes. Given the amount of construction in federal government construction contracts, there are provisions that allow for large contractors and DOD small businesses to secure projects. There are various federal surety bond requirements that must be met…. Read more »

How Appeal Courts Look at Contract Termination for Default Cases

When a federal government agency terminates your contract for default (T4D), the next steps and whether you have a good chance of appealing the contracting officer’s final decision can be challenging.  Although the decision has been made to terminate the contract for default, knowing how the appeal courts look at… Read more »