CEO Decision to Respond To Federal Government Investigations

When you or your company has been targeted as part of a federal investigation, your life and business operations as you know it can change significantly. If you are a government contractor subject to criminal charges or investigated for violation of the False Claims Act, kickbacks, SBA Fraud or some… Read more »

Government Procurement Fraud & Avoiding Criminal Liability

Theodore P. Watson, Esq. (Federal Government Procurement Fraud Attorney)  Government procurement fraud schemes with any federal contract can create a nightmare for company owners and employees. Several procuring agencies must guard taxpayer dollars and ensure that the procurement process and the performance of contracts are all done with integrity and… Read more »

Federal Woman Owned Small Business WOSB Certification

For many small businesses seeking to get into the federal contracting marketplace, the Woman-Owned- Small Business  (WOSB)  Federal Contracting Program was introduced in 2011 to all allow small businesses to further explore their opportunities for getting federal government contracts. Being a WOSB allows for companies to have a level playing… Read more »

What is Suspension of Government Contractors Definition & Meaning

Suspension Meaning and Definition  Suspension of government contractors usually means that the agency has reasonable evidence to believe that the a contractor or individual has created some level of risk to taxpayer dollars. The suspension of government contractors and other suppliers is a  common process used to protect the best… Read more »