Overcoming Government Contractor FAR Release of Claims Hurdles

During the performance of a federal project, a government contractorFAR release of contract claims statement under FAR. requirements can blindside contractors. In good faith, they believe that once the agency gets the benefit of services they will be paid. Cases show that is simply not true. Never Sign Federal Contract… Read more »

Understanding Termination for Convenience Settlement Proposal Appeals

After the government exercises its rights to terminate your contract under the termination for convenience clause, you then have to submit your damages in a termination for convenience settlement proposal. It must be done within one year.  Therefore, you must develop your settlement posture early. The government will almost always… Read more »

False Claims Act Statute of Limitations

Understanding the applicable federal False Claims Act statute of limitations for fraud cases under 31 USC 3729  and 18 USC 3731 can often get the case dismissed if not adhered to by the government. As for any case, facts drive the outcome of any limitations dispute.  The regulation puts the… Read more »

Cost Evaluation Methods Cost Realism Evaluation Bid Protest

Oftentimes, government contracting agencies attempt to support their cost evaluation methods and ultimate award solely on the cost submitted by the contractor. However, a flawed evaluation can become target to a bid protest at the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Cost Evaluation Methods in Cost-Reimbursement Contracts When an agency evaluates pricing… Read more »

Addressing Agency Source Selection Plan In GAO Bid Protests

When filing a GAO bid protest, it is important to understand that an agency’s source selection plan only provides internal agency guidelines.  The plan is generally for the agency’s internal usage and does not by itself give outside parties any rights. The plan typically becomes a highly-relevant topic after the bid protest is filed… Read more »

Bid Bond Guarantee and SBA Surety Bonds

Many contractors have questions about a bid bond guarantee and SBA surety bonds and if their rejected bids can be protested on these grounds.  Many government contracts require some form of a surety guarantee or bond.  If your proposal does not comply with the solicitation requirement for a bid guarantee,… Read more »

Past Performance Evaluation Scores Issues In GAO Protests

Gain Insight and Avoid Costly Mistakes When Challenging Past Performance Evaluation Scores When agencies evaluate technical proposals, the RFP may state that award would be made on a best-value basis, considering past performance evaluation as one of the weighted evaluation factors. Challenging past performance evaluation scores must be fact specific. Government… Read more »