How to Create a Proposal Outline for Government RFPs

Avoid Costly Mistakes When Learning How to Create a Proposal Outline For Government Contract RFPs  When learning how to create a proposal / RFP outline for federal contract bids, you have most likely heard of other companies that are eliminated from the competition. Typically, you should develop a  format and proposal outline that… Read more »

Innovative and Competitive RFP Response Cover Letters

Avoid Templated Proposal Cover Letter To the Federal Government Companies tend to minimize the impact of writing a meaningful proposal cover letter when bidding on government contracts. As a result, the source selection team does not feel the excitement  in wanting to find out more about what you have to… Read more »

Proposal Technical Writing for Government Contracts

Technical proposal writing for government contracts is one of the most difficult tasks for government contractors to overcome when responding to an Agency’s Request for Proposal.  Although you might meet the solicitation requirements, your bid often may not reach either the competitive range or final award stage. Knowing how to write a technical… Read more »

Government Soliciation & RFP Response Tips

The government seeks appealing competition when it rates your response to RFP’s.  Many small businesses find it difficult to keep up a competitive edge. However, this hurdle can be eliminated by doing some basic things. This article will give you some rfp response tips. Reading the Solicitation from beginning to… Read more »

Proposal Writing Strategies – Avoid Bid Protest

Proposal Writing Strategies That Also Can Withstand a Bid Protest. As a Federal Government contractor, it is important to understand how the agency evaluates your proposal. If you are fortunate to get the award, you now have to probably withstand a bid protest to GAO or some other forum. The first step… Read more »

How to Write a Government Proposal For Large Federal Contracts

Mistakes Made By Large Businesses  When deciding how to write a government proposal, large businesses are required to pass on work to smaller businesses. This need is usually set out in the solicitation by requiring a small business subcontracting plan. Typically, large businesses may simply submit a subcontracting plan that does… Read more »

Marketing to The Federal Government

Landing government contracts in a nutshell, means that you must abide by a complex set of rules.  Doing business with the federal government is substantially different that doing business in the commercial world understanding the gruesome task of marketing to the federal government can be a cumbersome task. Government contractors with… Read more »