Total Small Business Set Aside GAO Protest Decisions FAR 19.502

Although congressional mandates show an increase in total small business set aside procurement, filing a bid protest that challenges the contracting agency’s decision to set aside a procurement for small businesses must be approached with extreme care. The ultimate concern under FAR 19.502 is to understand what exactly is the government contracting agency supposed… Read more »

SBA Size Appeal Common Ownership Control

  Under SBA size appeal regulations, concerns are affiliated when one has the power to control the other, or when a third party has the power to control both. 13 CFR121.103(a)(1). If you own 50% or more of a concern, then there is strong chance that an SBA OHA Size appeal… Read more »

Size Appeals and The SBA Ostensible Subcontractor Rule

The SBA Ostensible Subcontractor Rule is a potent sword used to extinguish contract awards to government contractors. Small businesses must be extremely careful when submitting proposals that intend to use incumbent employees. This can be fertile ground for an SBA size appeal under the Ostensible Subcontractor Rule. The SBA Ostensible… Read more »

SBA Size Appeals – Affiliation & Newly Organized Concern Rule

When you are faced with a SBA size appeal and small business size standard determination based upon affiliation and common ownership, small businesses must be very careful when forming spin- off companies and where there are corresponding majority and minority ownership interest in both companies. When there are substantial amounts… Read more »

Small Business Administration Size Protest Process

What happens after Small Business Administration (SBA) receives a small business size standard protest or request for a formal size determination? Knowing the key points of a size protest can help a company to be responsive and not lose out on a possible victory by failing to adequately complete the… Read more »

Small Businesses Government Contracts and Their Fair Share

Are Small Businesses Getting Their Fair Share of Government Contracts Unfortunately, they don’t. The real question is why not? There is some analysis to this unfortunate fact about small business government contracts. First, large projects appear to be out of the reach of small businesses – or so they think…. Read more »

Ostensible Contractor Rule

Avoid Mistakes in Bid Protests Federal government contractors often have many questions about the Ostensible Contractor Rule and how it can impact the award of the contract. The bottom line is that if you are submitting government proposals as a small business, you want to stay away from the possibility… Read more »

Tips on How to Avoid SBA Small Business Size Protests

An SBA size protest occurs when your competition challenges your small business size standard after award of a government contract. There are a few things that small business can do to avoid an SBA size protest. They include: Making sure that teaming  partners or subcontractor does not perform the primary… Read more »