Government Procurement Fraud Crimes & Aggressive Agency Contract Investigations

Agencies continue to increase oversight with government contract investigations for Government procurement fraud and prosecuting crimes against federal contracting agencies. A federal government contractor in Alexandria, Virginia was sentenced to 16 months in prison, followed by two years of supervised release, for conspiracy to commit wire fraud and major government… Read more »

Federal Debarment Policy

The Federal Debarment Policy for government contractors  require that businesses or subcontractors that are suspended or debarred will not be allowed  will not use funds from federal grants, fellowship, cooperative agreements, scholarships, bid on federal contracts or even apply for loans to purchase goods and services. In short, federal debarment policy… Read more »

Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business SDVOSB Fraud Cases

In service-disabled veteran-owned small business SDVOSB fraud cases, and as a result of Public Law 109-461, the VA is authorized to award SDVOSB sole source contracts and/or set aside contracts for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB). From 01/01/2008 to 09/30/2014, the VA OIG Office of Investigations indicted 44 individuals/companies; arrested 40… Read more »

Federal Anti-KickBack Statute Liability

Under the Federal Anti-Kickback Act, criminal action can occur if there is a specific intent to induce referrals or orders for services. In government contracting and other federal activities, Anti-KickBack Statute Liability can be up to five years in prison, with the potential for additional criminal fines up to $25,000,… Read more »

Procurement & Government Contract Fraud & Termination for Default

Government procurement fraud can arise in a variety of situations. A common example occurs during the bidding phase when offerors submit untruthful information in efforts to secure a government contract, or in other situations, to get admitted into a program administered by the Small Business Administration. In the case of… Read more »

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act FCPA Violation Penalties

US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act FCPA penalties and violations can be premised upon your efforts in due diligence or otherwise seek to determine whether there was a legitimate business purpose for the use of a “middleman” or consultant.  Under the FCPA anti bribery provisions, this is especially true when conducting… Read more »

Internal Corporate Investigations

corporate internal investigations for government contractors experiencing a civil or criminal investigation – mitigate damages and possibly get your case dismissed. Is your company facing a government investigation for criminal activity or civil fraud? Don’t panic, our corporate investigation firm can help. Our team of government contractor attorneys specializes in… Read more »

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act FCPA Violation Penalties

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act FCPA violation penalties and violations for government contractors that have violated the FCPA can be embarrassing and can expose you to media coverage and other negative publicity. Understanding the extent of your liability can trigger the necessary in-house actions that can minimize your exposure. In recent years, the U.S…. Read more »